The beginning is the literal meaning of SURUWAT. Established in 2007, a pioneer agency led by people living with HIV and Key population believes in enabling people living with HIV to claim and entertain quality services and promotes their engagement to be self-reliant for a dignified life. SURUWAT aims to materialize its mission by offering a program centered on the community as well as the people living with HIV. For the same purpose, it runs training, conference, awareness-raising programs and media sensitization program and empower PLHIV and advocate the rights of PLHIV. Similarly, we provide residential health care facilities, ART observation, Agro farming training center. Likewise, SURUWAT also facilitates the treatment process to PLHIV by linking them to health care facilities through residential care, treatment, and support Importantly, SURWAT also offers training on income generation (IG) to contribute to making the PLHIV self-reliant financially.
Our Goals
To “Create Dignified walk of life and enabling environment to reach universal access to ART, Halt the Stigmatization of HIV and AIDS as well Care ,Support and Treatment service in Nepal”
Our Mission
The main theme of SURUWAT is to achieve a stigma and discrimination-free society/Community towards PLHA & Drug Users by protecting their rights, creating supportive environment, proper health care and empowerment for people infected and affected by HIV & AIDS, congeal the rapid HIV transmission and create awareness among the Youth, society and community for preventing HIV/AIDS transmission and Media Campaign.
Our Vision
To focused over a human society which understands the rights of PLHA/Key Population and their equal access to the entire facilities provided by the Government of Nepal.
SURWAT is competent in sense of grass root to central level networks, significant number of board members, staffs and volunteers from PLHIV background, experience of working with multiple local, governmental and international agencies like; National Association of PLWHA in Nepal(NAP+N), Government of Nepal, UNICEF, District Development Committee and District AIDS Coordination Committee, International Indigeneous working group on HIV and AIDS and AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION
SURUWAT has been running the community care center since 2012 and served directly to nearly 1500 people and 500 more then family/dependents Similarly, we are also ideal in sense of offering innovative service considering the need and demand PLHIV in Care, we have been offering modren farming training seed money support to needy key population for self-reliant financially to live dignified lives,Treatment literacy trainings, Stigma reduction trainings, and media sensitization training to Media personals,nutrition support and opportunistic infection treatment has provided round the clock from care home,SURUWAT has successfully organized the first and second National conference on Income Generation in 2008 and 2019 to Support Individual PLHIV and NGOs Working with Key Population with support from AHF NEPAL and AIDS Health care Foundation and declared four pointed Bhaktapur/Chitwan declaration as historical movement for PLHA in Nepal.
Activity :
Income Generation (IG) and or having source of income from the agricultural farming or regular job is plus point in quality living Agriculture is the age-old profession in Nepal and PLHA , Key Population and their family can be trained and mobilized through this project to generate income with minimal effort of family engagement in daily basis and earn revenue to live dignified life in society. SURUWAT wants to change the conventional belief of the world that PLHA are not only the passive recipient and dependent they are able to change the situation and prove equal and equity in responsibility.
HIV Prevention through awareness raising and training program to mitigate stigma and discrimination to fight against HIV and AIDS.
Run Care, support and treatment center for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Provide skill based practical Training with wages support to initiate IG to PLHIV and families.
Operation of agricultural farming with sales outlet to generate revenue
Trainings on HIV /AIDS
Media Sensetization
Home Based Care
Income Generation
Free residential treatment
Nutrition Support